Please find below links to our policies.
If you need a policy translated, please see Miss Taylor or the School office who will be happy to help you. A paper copy can be given to you, free of charge, upon request at the school office.
As we are part of the Epping Forest Schools Partnership Trust, a number of policies are created by them for all of the schools to abide by. You can also find additional policies on our Trust Website.
Please see the link below.
Epping Forest Schools Partnership Trust School & Trust Shared Policies
All SAFEGUARDING POLICIES are available on our Safeguarding page
Attendance Policy
LFI Anti-Bullying 2022.docx.pdf
EFSPT Equality Statement and Objectives Policy
LFIS Curriculum Policy.docx.pdf
Inclusion Policy 2024pdfEFSPT Child Protection Policy September2024
Charging and Remissions PolicyJuly2022
EFSPT Complaints Policy March2024
EFSPT Data Protection Policy July2023
EFSPT Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy July2024
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions 2022.pdf
Behaviour policy and practice 2024-2026pdfParent/Carer Code of Conduct .pdf
LFI Online Safety Policy 2022.pdf