Our SENDCo is Mrs Walsh. She is available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Walsh can be contacted via the main office on 0208 501 1115.

At Limes Farm Infant School and Nursery, we aim to address special needs provision through a whole school approach. Our ethos is one of collaboration and inclusion between senior leaders, teachers, support staff, parents, agencies and, most importantly, the child.

Through a flexible approach to learning, valuing all the child’s achievements, whilst allowing for individual differences, we hope to develop children’s strengths, address their needs and make school an enjoyable, happy and safe place for each child.

Our overall aim is to help all children reach their full potential in a caring and co-operative atmosphere, where each child feels respected and valued.

At Limes Farm Infant School and Nursery we strive to ensure that all children:

  • have a broad and balanced curriculum, which is differentiated to enable children to:
  • -understand the relevance and purpose of learning
  • -experience levels of understanding and rates of progress which bring success and raise self esteem
  • provide a secure and safe environment, where children can flourish and grow
  • have equal access to resources, provision and intervention


SEND Evaluation Summer 2022

In June 2022 Limes Farm Infant School and Nursery had an opportunity to have an independent  SEND review from the Unity Schools Partnership. 

Reviewing SEND attitudes and practice offers opportunities for us to reflect critically and proactively on our ability to meet the requirements of all learners within our settings. The intention is for this SEND review to act as a catalyst for driving change and improving provision.

Reviewing SEND attitudes and practice should help to ensure that all our learners, in all our educational settings, achieve their very best, including the acquisition of the knowledge, skills and qualifications that they need for successful transition into further education, employment and independent life.

Please see the summary points below: 

  • leaders have created a wonderfully warm and caring learning environment in which all children can achieve.
  • leaders think carefully about their provision, especially for those children with needs. Taking a holistic view of each child, support and interventions are reviewed regularly to ensure they are having impact.
  • children’s views reflect the school’s aims, talking enthusiastically about their teachers, their learning and the other opportunities made available to them;
  • it is great to see those children with identified needs achieve well and are an integral part of the school community.
  • attendance, albeit below pre-pandemic levels, is better than much of the rest of country, and the disparity between SEND and non-SEND is not significant. PA is also at an acceptable level.
  • the school rightly prides itself on its inclusive culture and ethos. The use of trauma perceived practice is integral to this and is well embedded.


SEND Statement and Commitment

Arrangements to support children with SEN and Disability

SEND Information Report

SEND & Inclusion Policy

Accessibility Plan

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Social, Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Essex Inclusion Statement 

What should I do if I think my child has an additional need?

If at any time you are concerned that your child needs additional help, you should initially talk to your child’s class teacher who may suggest some ideas to support your child. You can also contact the Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo) Mrs Walsh to discuss any concerns further. She is available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and can be contacted on 0208 501 111.

How does the school support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilites (SEND)?

Every teacher is required to adapt the curriculum to ensure access to learning for all children in their class. Termly progress meetings take place with class teachers, the SENDCo and Head Teacher to discuss all pupils progress. Highlighted children and those with SEND will be given targeted support through differentiation and/or may take part in appropriate intervention groups, which may happen one to one or in a small group. If continued support is needed which is “additional to” or “different from” the well-differentiated curriculum offer for all pupils in the school, a One Plan will be developed. This will be created in agreement with the parents and smaller, more specific targets will be given to help aid progress. The one plans and interventions are regularly tracked and termly meetings will occur with the teacher, SENDCo and parents. We aim to work in partnership with the parents and carers to provide as much support and guidance as possible. If further support is needed, referral to outside agencies can be made with the parent’s permission.

The school works with external agencies to ensure that appropriate provision is made to enable children with disabilities to enter the school and access a full curriculum. The school is required to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that every child with SEND is not at any substantial disadvantage.
Our building is accessible for all as there are multiple ramps and we have a wheelchair accessible toilet. Further access improvements planned can be found in the following Accessibility Plan.

Essex Local Offer

Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and review information about educational provision available for children and young people with SEND under the Children and Families Bill. This is known as the ‘Local Offer’.

The Local Offer should help parents and families know what they can reasonably expect from their local schools.


Essex Local Offer