Key Dates


Spring 1

06.01.25 Children return to school

16.01.25 Superhero Special lunch menu

23.01.25 ASD Sensory Bus Experience

27.01.25 Pre-Loved Uniform Sale

28.01.25 Pre-Loved Uniform Sale

29.01.25 Pre-Loved Uniform Sale

29.01.25 Lunar New Year Special Lunch Menu

29.01.25 Chinese Dance Workshop

31.01.25 Coffee Morning 9am Reception Parents

03.02.25 Children's Mental Health Week

03.02.25 Movie Night

06.02.25 National Pizza day Special Lunch Menu

06.02.25  Parent/Teacher Workshop - Emotional Regulation

07.02.25 Coffee Morning 9am Year 1 Parents

07.02.25 Storytelling Day Class Teacher Swap

10.02.25 Parents' Evening

11.02.25 Parents' Evening

11.02.25 Safer Internet Day Poster Competition

12.02.25 Year 1 RAF Museum School Trip

14.02.25 Coffee Morning 9am Year 2 Parents

14.02.25 Valentine's Day Special Lunch Menu

14.02.25 Valentine's Day Bake Sale (After School)

14.02.25 Last Day of Term

Spring 2

24.02.25 Parent/Teacher Workshop - Neurodevelopmental Diversity

03.03.25 Parent/Teacher Workshop - Barriers to Learning

24.03.25 Parent/Teacher Workshop - Positive Playtime

Autumn 2 

4.11.24 Inset Day

5.11.24 Children return to school

6.11.24 Story Teller Visit

11.11.24 Remembrance Assembly 

14.11.24 Indian Dance Workshop

22.11.24 Year 2 Great Fire of London Workshop

27.11.24 Christmas Movie Night

6.12.24 Inset Day

9.12.24 Christmas Advent Assembly

12.12.24 Christmas Jumper Day

12.12.24 Christmas Fete

18.12.24 Santa's Grotto

18.12.24 Pantomine (Rainbow theatre company performing Cinderella)

19.12.24 Christmas Lunch and Christmas Class Parties

20.12.24 Last day of term finish at 1:15


Autumn 1 September 2024

3.9.24 Children return to school

13.9.24 Year 1 parents meeting 

17.9.24 New to Reception meeting

20.9.24 Jeans for Genes Day

10.10.24 Hello Yellow Day 

21.10.24 Parents evening

25.10.24 Halloween dress up

25.10.24 Break up for Half term