Pupil Well Being

ELSA- Emotional Literacy Support

ELSAs are specialist teaching assistants who have been trained to support children with emotional difficulties. They provide children with a quiet place to explore difficult feelings.

At Limes Farm Infant School our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant is Mrs K Holder.


ELSA sessions are designed to provide support and encouragement with different emotional needs.

Self - esteem

Anger management 

Friendship group

Social skills


Loss and Bereavement 

ELSA sessions are there to offer support for the children but are not designed to fix the problem. We aim to build a strong relationship with the children and provide them with a safe and comfortable environment to explore their feelings and to share honesty. 

ELSA does not offer a short term solution, this support takes time and for more complex or long term difficulties, it would be unrealistic to expect an ELSA to resolve all of the problems. 

ELSAs have continuous support and development from Educational Psychologists and the school Educational Psychologist is there to help offer support on more complex cases. 

Useful Documents 

Separation anxiety Leaflet

Emotions leaflet

Anger leaflet

Grief leaflet


Jenna Wilkins Foundation 

Jens Den 

A safe, magical space where children feel nurtured and secure. Where nature and nurture combine.

The Dens are sensory spaces to stimulate and calm. They are safe spaces where one to one professional counselling sessions take place. 

The Dens can be what you need them to be. They have multiple uses but essentially they are a safe space for children who are feeling overwhelmed or unsure. 

Here at Limes Farm we are incredibly lucky to have access to other therapies and provisions. We currently have an Art Therapist and a Play Therapist who both attend weekly. These therapies help specific children with; self acceptance, self esteem, expressing feelings, calming strategies and emotional regulation. 


Useful websites
